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PlayStation Move – Trigger happy!

by Capt. Samarth Singh on October 27th, 2010

hybrid contentThere’s no doubt, the most striking attribute of the PlayStation Move motion controller add on to the existing PS3 console is it’s under $100 price tag. (INR 3650) Don’t let the price tag fool you though, the PS Move Motion Controller is one well build device. It’s an unquestionable 10 on 10 to the people responsible for hardware ergonomics at Sony.

When we unboxed the kit we immediately noticed that the PlayStation move controller is nothing like the Wii. This one’s sleek, it has been built to fit in your hand unlike the squarish Wii controller. Similar to the Wii controller, the PS Move features an action button on the front and a trigger behind, both of which couldn’t be better placed for game play. The start and select buttons on the sides are a little hard to reach but then again, you don’t want to accidentally push them while in the game.

In addition to the controller comes the PlayStation Eye camera with its abysmal picture quality at 640 X 480 pixels, but as long as it detects the controller, we aren’t complaining. The device comes bundled with a startup disc with some very interesting demos including Tiger Woods PGA ’11.

hybrid content

What’s different about the Motion tech?

Is the PlayStation Move just another Wii? The PlayStation Move controller features a rather funny looking white bulb at the head. Most people believe the camera detects the illuminated bulb and you have motion! Fact is, the PS Move controller uses both this, and feedback from an inbuilt gyroscope to offer precision the Wii is nowhere close to. Unlike the Nintendo Wii, the PlayStation Move can’t be fooled. If you need to swing your arm to settle that Gladiator duel, a flick of the wrist won’t do. Unlike the Wii, which used Infrared sensors, depth perception has been incorporated into the Sony, so this motion sensor can tell how far you are from your TV screen.

The Downsides?

To buy a second controller or a navigation unit is an additional expense and an Archery or Ring Boxing based game just won’t feel right with one controller. Some PS3 games incorporate avatars and snapshots of the player with the PlayStation Eye camera device which shocks us even more with the camera’s grainy picture quality!

Is it selling?

Like hot cakes it is. The PlayStation Move backed by the quality of games the PS3 has to offer is a far better deal than the Wii hands down. Once again the price tag being a very compelling factor, one has to wait for some innovative game concepts to emerge, and they will. All said and done, worth every last penny!

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