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You know you’re in Goa when …

by Capt. Samarth Singh on October 11th, 2010
  • Every second store, is a wine store.
  • A can of Heineken is cheaper than a can of Red Bull.
  • City roads are narrower than an SUV’s radials.
  • Most tourists inevitably end up heading to Cafe Tito’s!
  • Washrooms in the swankiest of places welcome you to the gripping fragrance of puke.
  • People pay a thousand rupees (Indian) for a two minute Parasailing session with a chute that has gaping holes in it.
  • There are 10 touts selling JetSki rides for every 1 visitor on the beach.
  • Hotel Room tariffs are erratically dynamic values.
  • The traffic police don’t deal with the traffic, they just shut down complete lanes!
  • You’re detained by the cops for driving sober, pending a psyche analysis.

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