MSC Chitra and MV Khalijia 3 Collide off the coast of Mumbai
Mumbai - 09 August 2010: A lot of critics have been vying for facts about the Mumbai collision of August 2010. The two vessels involved were MSC owned Chitra and MV Khalijia 3. MV Khalijia was ready to berth and on its way to the Mumbai Pilot Station while MSC Chitra was sailing out of Nhava Sheva. So far, reports state that Khalijia 3 colided with MSC Chitra. The Condition of Khalijia 3 is seen in one of the attached pictures, while MSC Chitra is listed (Marine Terminology), basically tilted more than 30 degrees to the port (left). The accident has caused 400 containers to break away from the original Chitra cargo detail and they have been spotted very close to Nhava Sheva and Mumbai Ports. All movements have been suspended as of 7th Evening.

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